Leadership books for women will inspire you and help you learn the tools you need to succeed on the job or as an entrepreneur.
If you are looking for some book recommendations you’ll find them here.
Get 10 leadership books for women.
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Leadership is a skill everyone needs to learn if they want to become a boss in the 21st century.
The following are the 10 best leadership books for women:

Sandberg’s book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead is about “women and ambition.” In the book she argues that women must take more risks in order to improve their careers.
The author investigates when it comes to gender inequality, women themselves are actually making it happen.
2. Women and Leadership by Julia Gillard

Leadership is a skill that we all can and should learn. However, there are certain obstacles that women in particular have to overcome in order to be successful leaders.
This leadership books for women offers insight into how women can become more assertive, better communicators, and confident leaders while dealing with the challenges they face.
3. The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer
“The Female Eunuch” is an influential feminist text, written by Germaine Greer in the 1970’s. The book discusses gender politics and the feminist movement and its struggles with patriarchy, among other topics.
Greer insists that women should not only fight for a more equal society, but also for a world where they are not subsumed by the male identity of their husbands.
4. Women and Power: A Manifesto by Mary Beard

Women and Power, a new book by Mary Beard, asks us to consider what the stories we tell about women in power tell us about ourselves.
It is an examination of the pressures, perils, and pleasures that come with female ambition. In her signature way, she invites readers to accompany her on a journey through three thousand years of history into our continuing present-day struggles for power.
5. Assualt and Flattery by Katie Pavlich

Katie Pavlich has written a book on the Clinton scandals, called Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and their War on Women.
The book covers the multitude of ways that Hillary Clinton – as both a private citizen and a public figure – has used her power to create an atmosphere in which women’s rights are infringed upon.
6. Hands off my Guns by Dana Loesch

leadership books for women starring Dana Loesch’s new book, Hands Off My Guns, is an unapologetic look at what the author calls the “War on Women.” For those who have followed her career in the media and conservative punditry for years, this book will not be a surprise.
7. Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit
Rebecca Solnit’s new book, Men Explain Things to Me, is a collection of essays that explore the many ways in which men explain things to women.
8. Who Killed The American Family by Phyllis Schlafly
“Phyllis Schlafly has been a major player in the conservative movement for more than six decades.
As a lawyer, mother of six, and founder of the Eagle Forum, she built an organization that now has more than 80,000 members nationwide. Yet surprisingly few people know her story.”
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert Big Magic is a very inspirational book with a lot of insight and wisdom. It’s written for people who want to recognize their creative potential and free their inner selves to express themselves more fully. It is a beautifully written, easy to read book that I would recommend to anyone who’s feeling stuck in life or who wants to create something new.
10. The Art of War by Sun Tzu The Art of War is the oldest and most influential text on military strategy and tactics from ancient China.
This book has been translated into English many times, so it is important to understand which version you are reading.
The earliest known translation was created by Lionel Giles in 1910 and the most widely read version today is by Ralph D. Sawyer in 1989.
Now you have ten leadership books for women.
What are your favorite leadership books for women?
Let me know in the comments.
And please share this article with a woman that could benefit from these books.
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