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Want FREE stuff?
Who doesn’t right? If you love shopping at Amazon and especially if you are a prime member you will want to know about these amazon review sites that offer deep discounts.
In some cases, you can get products 100% FREE!
If you think this is too good to be true you will be pleasantly surprised to learn about these 30 Amazon review sites.
New companies and start-ups will offer Free or discounted products in an exchange for your review.
Amazon terms of service no longer require you to even give a review so you can get your discounted item even if you decided not to give your review.
Do you ever read a review on a product before buying it on Amazon?
Yes, I do too. Sometimes it can be what pushes me over the line of tire kicker to buyer and other times it works the other way and I decide it’s not a product I want.
So you can see how valuable a review can be for there start-ups.
Now, with that being said let’s dive into the 30 Amazon review sites…

Where can I get discounts on Amazon?
First thing you will need to do is sign up for each account on this list. Each website has it’s pros and cons, but all of them offer products at a discount.
Not all of the items will be 100% off, but they definitely exist. Sometimes you will need to copy your coupon code and enter it on Amazon to receive your discount.
Find the item you want, copy coupon code, then place your order. It’s that’s easy!
If you are a Prime member you get free shipping too so finding a product at 100% off means you scored without paying for the item or shipping.
You might want to become a prime member to make the most of these Amazon review sites so you can take full advantage of all discounts available to you.
Otherwise, the shipping cost in some cases makes the discount irrelevant. Unless you spend over $35 then, of course, you would get free shipping too.
30 Amazon Review Sites With Deep Discounts
Here are the best Amazon Review Sites To Get Discounts Below:
#1. Amazing Deals Group
Sign up to review discounts as low as only one dollar. It’s not my favorite website on this list, but it still offers cool stuff at low cost.
#2. Vipon
This website has a lot of 50% off merchandise and some items are up to 80% off. Overall it’s a good website for discounts at this time they don’t offer free stuff.
#3. Snagshout
You can score amazing deals on snagshout, but you are limited on the number of deals you can get, but don’t let that stop you from checking out their website.
#4. Giveaway Service
You can get freebies on this website as well as valuable items that are in the ballpark of $60 – $80 retail value.
#5. Testzon
Amazon review sites that I love best offer freebies. That’s why Testzon is one of the sites you will want to sign up for. They offer Amazon products in return for your review.
#6. Elite Deal Club
Elite deal club used to be better at offering products at deeper discounts. You can still find good deals and it would be worth checking out.
#7. Deals For Reviews
One of the reasons you will like deals for reviews is a lot of times you won’t have to enter a discount code. Which makes it even easier to claim your discounted products.
#8. Home Product Testing
Find an item you like and the seller will contact you on how you can get your item. They offer tons of free and discounted items.
#9. iReviewHome
Another amazon review site that offers deeply discounted items. Join as a reviewer to get started.
#10. Social Nature
Social nature will send you free sample products and coupons then you can share and send your review.
#11. The Trust Review Network
You can get products of amazing value up to 50 to 100% off. Just offer a review and receive your item shipped to your door.
#12. The VIP Power Club
Amazon review sites so far are all free and the same goes for this one. Just sign up and get coupons for products on Amazon.
#13. Uberzon Club
This website has great discounts, but I have noticed the selection varies. Sometimes there are tons of products and other times not as much. Either way, it’s a good place to score a deal.
#14. Blue Ribbons Review
Amazon review promotion site that gives you the opportunity to review products at low or no cost to you. Once you sign up just submit a request to review the product you want.
#15. Product Testing Group
Sign up is Free for testers and applying is easy. You can get a lot of discounts for your review on this Amazon review site.
#16. Jump Send
Most of the items on Jump Send are deeply discounted. You might not find Free items here, but up to 90% off is still a great deal.
#17. AmzRC
Get free items as well as massive discounts at Amz RC. There are a lot of products to choose from.
#18. Product Testing. Co
Scroll through pages and pages of FREE samples and amazing offers to see what you can find.
#19. Dealgogogo
You can get deals up to 90% off at dealgogogo. Go sign up and get you next Amazon deal here.
#20. Dollar Review Club
Dollar deals everywhere on this Amazon review site. You can also get discounts on a variety of cool products.
#21. Best One Review
Best on review offers discounts for your reviews although it’s not required. You can even get some products for free.
#22. AMZ.One Deals Club
Most of the products on this Amazon review site offers discounts between 50 to 100% off.
Do you have a blog? If you do you can review products and get a chance to get them for Free.
#24. Brand Awareness Club
Free to participate and review for free products or discounts.
#25. Oz Naturals
To get your hands on their heavily discounted deals, you’d have to sign up to their “VIP email list”, which is free. Most of the products will cost you no more than $2.
#26. Artic
Using this site can be a great opportunity to help influence the marketplace. Sign up and find out what deals you can score.
#27. Etekcity
You can receive discounted promotions and free giveaways. EtekCitizen is broken down into four different product categories: healthy living, smart living, active living, and practical living.
#28. Onwego
Travel and outdoor gear website.
#29. Smiley 360
Join more than 1 million Smiley Members and try products for free in exchange for your honest feedback.
#30. Secret Deals Club
Secret Deals Club is an exclusive group that works with companies selling on Amazon to get you extremely discounted and exclusive deals that you definitely don’t want to miss out on.

There you have it… 30 amazon review sites. Which one will you sign up for first? It’s good to sign up for as many as you can in order to get in on as many deals as possible.
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