jobs for introverts with anxiety

Best Jobs For Introverts With Anxiety And Tips To Interview

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Jobs For Introverts With Anxiety


Jobs for introverts with anxiety does not include the following:

  • High Pressure Sales Jobs With Quotas
  • Micro Managing Boss
  • Sales Presentations
  • Loud, Bright, or Noisy Environments
  • Dead line driven tasks


Now that we got that out of the way.

Jobs for introverts with anxiety do exists and they are more abundant than you might think.

Low stress jobs that do not require you to interact with people very often.

And jobs that allow you to work at a slower pace.

Some of these jobs even allow you to set your own hours.

So you can work when you want.

And learn about effective job interview tips to help you land your dream job.

For those of you that suffer from anxiety there are some actionable tips for you.

That will help you overcome your anxiety.

Anxious introverts are excellent job candidates for careers that require attention to detail, focus, and planning.

Some anxious introverts prefer to work completely alone.

While other enjoy interacting with people for short amounts of time on breaks.

It all comes down to selecting a job that has the right balance for you.

If you are only looking for a side hustle or some extra money.

Below Are Excellent Work From Home Gigs:


Sign up for all three and you can earn an easy $20 dollars right now.


jobs for introverts with anxiety


12 Best Jobs For Introverts With Anxiety


#1. Jobs With Animals


Working with animals has a calming effect on introverts. Some of the jobs available are working as a pet sitter, dog walker, and becoming a veterinarian.


#2. Graveyard Shift


Those with social anxiety may struggle with loud noises, bright lights, and constant stimulation.

Working in a quiet or calm environment such as a night security guard could be the right fit for you.


#3. Writing Jobs


If you enjoy working with words you may enjoy writing jobs. Jobs for Internetverts with anxiety may include the following writing jobs: blogger, researcher, proofreader, editor, and data entry.

#4. Tech Jobs


Technical jobs are a great fit for those with social anxiety because you can usually work on your own away from people.

There are few interactions with the general public and many of the jobs are low stress.

Jobs such as computer programmers, IT technicians, and audio editors are all great jobs for introverts with anxiety.


#5. Private Investigator/Researcher


This is a job where you could spend hours of time searching for particular details about someone’s document. Private investigators are also known to work with state police departments and entrepreneurs.


#6. Insurance Industry 

If you are an introvert you may enjoy working in the insurance industry because most of the jobs require a little interaction with people face-to-face.

There are a variety of different kinds of insurance Jobs available such as underwriters, claims adjusters, and actuaries.


#7. Graphic Designer


Introverts can earn a good living as a graphic designer. And usually, this job can be done from home and requires knowledge of designing software.

If you are an introvert that is creative this could be an ideal job for you.


#8. Fire Fighter


This might not be a great job for people with anxiety. Although if you are an introvert this could be a perfect fit for you because there is minimal interaction with people while you help save lives.


#9. Babysitter

If you are an introvert that enjoys working with children you should consider babysitting.

You’ll be interacting with children and work in a comfortable setting.


#10. Library Assistant

Working in the library is a peaceful and calm environment and introverts can become library assistance.

You will work to help arrange books and have limited contact with people.


#11. Online E-commerce Store

As an introvert, there are a variety of opportunities to work from home selling just about anything you want online.

You can work your own hours selling jewelry, clothes, or anything that interests you.



#12. Freelancer

Working as a freelancer is low stress and you can usually work remote.

Which means you can be your own boss and set your own hours.

If you are self disciplined and can work well on your own.

Becoming a freelancer is a great way to earn money as an introvert with anxiety.




5 Tips For Interviews Online

Now that you know of some jobs for introverts with anxiety.

Next learn how to land that job with tips to interview online.

Interviews can be stressful.

Especially if you don’t feel prepared to test or answer questions.

You can help to avoid that by following these interview tips below:


#1. Use Your Laptop or Desktop

Avoid using your mobile phone when interviewing online.

It doesn’t appear professional and your connection could drop.


#2. Dress Professionally

Even though you are not meeting in person it’s still important to look professional when you interview online.

For more tips to look your best when interviewing online. Check out the youtube video here.


#3. Practice, Practice, Practice

That’s right I said that three times because it’s that important.

Try to forget that you are on camera and focus on the interview.

This could require a lot of practice if this is new for you.


#4. Write Your Answers

I always have my answers prepared in front of me. Then I can quickly read a thought out response ahead of time.

Even if I forget how to answer the question immediately I have a prepared written response in front of me.


#5. Follow Up Immediately

You just completed your interview.

How do you think you did?

Well even the best interview can be ruined if you fail to follow up.

It’s good to send a Thank You email to everyone you met within 24 hours.


jobs for introverts with anxiety


7 Tips To Overcome Anxiety

Jobs for introverts with anxiety is the main topic here.

Although I wanted to include some helpful tips to help you overcome anxiety as well.

Below Are 7 Tips To Overcome Your Anxiety:


  1. Eat well balanced healthy meals. Never skip a meal and be mindful to eat healthily. And have energy-boosting snacks available to you.
  2. Exercise daily. Another way to combat anxiety is to exercise daily. Walking for 15 to 20 minutes every day is suggested as well as biking or jogging for 30 minutes.
  3. Limit caffeine and alcohol. Both caffeine and alcohol can aggravate your anxiety and trigger panic attacks. So consumed both in moderation.
  4. Get plenty of sleep. It’s recommended that adults get 7 to 9 hours of sleep and this is especially important when you are stressed.
  5. What triggers your anxiety? Get in the habit of journaling to learn what triggers your anxiety. Is it work, school, or family? Learn to identify what triggers your anxiety.
  6. Practice deep breathing. Belly breathing requires you to sit with your eyes closed and turn your attention to your breathing. Be aware of your breath as it enters and leaves your nostrils. And concentrate on your breath and forget everything else. Repeat this as many times as necessary until your mind settles on the breath.
  7. Add supplements to your diet. Some of the following supplements are: green tea, Lemon balm, omega-3 fatty acids, dark chocolate


jobs for introverts with anxiety



Now you have 12 jobs for introverts with anxiety.

Working a job as an introvert with a group of extroverts can make life more stressful.

And going to work for a job that aggravates your anxiety is no fun either.

Eliminate both of these issues by finding a career that is suited for you.

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