cold email subject line

Cold Email Subject Line | Boost Your Open Rates!

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Cold email subject line is something every marketer, small business owner, and the company has to overcome if they want as many of their emails opened as possible.

There are many obstacles to overcome such as the recipient not knowing you, the product or band could be unknown, and to top it off your competition is also sending emails they want to be opened.

This all adds up to a lot of frustration if you don’t know how to correct this problem. So if you’d like some help then you are in the right place.

Cold email subjects line that boosts open rates and engages your audience are all included in this post.

Here are three cold open subject line to help you warm up your prospects and connect with your audience.

#1. Loved Your Comments on [Blog or Post]

Pick and insightful or intriguing comment left that you can use in the subject line.

#2. Here’s A FREE Resource for [ Problem ]

Everyone loves something that is Free. It’s just too hard to resist something for nothing. It’s even better when that freebie is helpful or valuable.

Just be careful because some spam filters can flag the word “free”. Especially if it’s in all caps.

#3. A Specific Result or Benefit cold email subject line

Here are some examples below:

  • Can I cut your sales process in half?
  • Can I double the speed of your sales cycle?
  • Can I save you 15 hours each week?

Email Marketing Headlines

Cold email subject line is part of having a well thought out email marketing headline. In fact, most marketers test out their headlines.

There is a really cool and Free tool you can use to evaluate your subject lines over at

The key to getting people to open your emails really is in the Subject line. It’s probably the most overlooked part of the email, but it’s the first impression.

Make sure you get this right and you will see a massive boost in the amount of engagement and open emails.

Below is a short checklist to help you create a great subject line: 

  1. Curiosity- “You will benefit from opening this email” Since they will need to open the email to find out the hidden benefit you can experience much higher open rates.
  2. Fun Stories- Be clever and think of a story that is cool or fun that they need to open the email to read the rest of it. Just make sure the story is relevant to your brand, product, or service.
  3. Keep Is Short- Always keep in mind that a lot of emails or being open on mobiles and should be mobile friendly with a short subject line. In fact, 55% of business emails or opened on a mobile device according to an article by the drum

Email Marketing Ninja

Who me? 

Yes, You! cold email subject line

Everybody starts somewhere but becoming an email marketing ninja takes some time to accomplish.

Here are some tips to help you become an email marketing ninja that crushes your competition.

Chop Chop, let’s get going…

You want to get to the point quickly if not instantly… No beating around the bush.

It’s that word again.. Urgency use it to give a reason to act now!

Be friendly and genuine this means you should write as if you are speaking to a friend.

Add video it can greatly enhance your results. Although you will want to use it when it fits the situation.

Last and certainly not least monitor the two crucial factors of (CTR) click-through rate and Unique Open Rate which can be an indicator of a good subject line. cold email subject line that is definitely an email marketing ninja trait.

Email Marketing Recommendations

Want more email marketing recommendations?cold email subject line

ok, you got it!

Here are three email marketing strategies you should know about.

  1. Create a personalized message– Using this strategy gathers customer information to create a message that feels personalized. You probably receive several of these kinds of emails from your favorite retailers such as Nordstrom, Amazon, and Macey’s.
  2. Segment Your Subscribers- This is where you can target your email campaigns based on the subscribers’ interest.
  3. Automate Email Campaigns- Emails that are sent out based on user behavior are the best kind. Trigger-based email marketing can generate up to 15X more profits! 

Do you feel that setting up trigger emails or autoresponders is too difficult? Well, it doesn’t have to check out this easy to use marketing solution.

Email Marketing Quiz

Cold email subject line can be overcome with a simple and fun email marketing quiz.

Want to test your email marketing know how?

BND aerospace marketing has a free quiz you can take here if you are interested in learning where you are at.

Watch the email below for more email marketing strategies:

Another good way to engage your audience is to offer them an email marketing quiz on topics of interest and use that information to offer them better service and problem-solving methods in the future.


Cold email subject line can be overcome in all of the ways discussed here.cold email subject line Make sure to continue learning as there are always new and better ways of doing things and improved technology to help you reach your email marketing goals.

If you need help list building this product is easy to set up and is helping thousands of marketers become more successful.

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