how to make money online as a dentist

How To Make Money Online As A Dentist

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Discover how to make money online as a dentist.

I worked in the dental industry for five years, and at that time, I thought about becoming a dentist.

Although I decided not to become a dentist, I did learn how to earn money online, and now I’m going to help you learn how to make money online as a dentist.

Going thru dental school is expensive, so if you’re looking for some ways to earn extra money, there will be plenty of legit ideas for you on this page.

Many of them won’t require any money but it will require your time and effort.

Over time you may earn a profitable side hustle that you can build in your free time.

So, with that being said let’s get started.

5 Ways For Dentists To Earn Money Online

Below Are Some Of The Best Ways Dentists Can Earn Extra Money Online:

#1. Start Dental Blog

Having a website of your own is crucial today.

It allows customers to find you and it can help you grow your business.

You’d be surprised at how many dentists skip over having a website.

This is another reason to have a site of your own because it gives you an advantage over your competition.

There are a couple of ways to go about this you can use a free service to create a website or spend a little money to have a site of your own that you have full control over.

I recommend having your own website because it looks more professional and you can use it to make extra money online.

Starting a blog is easy today you don’t need to learn any technical jargon.

Although blogging does require learning how to do it properly so you can have a successful site.

With that being said you can learn blogging online for free or take a blogging course.

Either way is fine I just prefer taking a course because everything I need to know is laid out for me.

All you need is a domain name which could be the name of your dental office and internet hosting so your website can be seen online.

You can get a free domain name for 12 months and affordable hosting at Bluehost.

Once you have your website set up it’s recommended to blog at least once per week.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time you just have to be consistent.

So how do you make money with a blog?

Below Are Some of The Ways You Can Earn Money With Your Blog:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Ads
  • Sell Products

There are many ways to earn money with your blog the most popular are affiliate marketing and placing ads on your website.

Some bloggers earn six figures every month!

And the income can be completely passive which means it earns money for you 24/7 after you do the work just one time.

Which makes it one of my favorite ways on how to make money online as a dentist.

how to make money online as a dentist

#2. Create Dental eBooks

eBooks are very popular nowadays because the customer can gain access to the book instantly.

One of the most popular websites for ebooks is Amazon.

They have many ebooks available for download and you can sell your ebook on there too.

All you need to do is create your downloadable books and be consistent.

You can use your website to help promote your ebooks or get the word out on social media.

And you will want to create several books because honestly the first book usually doesn’t make a lot of sales in the beginning.

It requires persistence and hard work but it can really pay off big time.

Some sellers of ebooks do this for their full-time income.

You can learn more about creating ebooks here.

#3. Create Dental Courses

If you enjoy teaching what you know about dentistry.

You can create dental courses that teach various topics.

Some of The Topics To Teach On Could Be:

  • Dental Practices
  • Tools Dentist Need & How To Use Them
  • Dental Terminology

The sky is the limit you can see what other dental courses are available currently to get more ideas.

You don’t have to be on camera although it can help you if you don’t mind it.

Some of the most popular websites for creating courses are:

You’ll need to check out each website to get to know their terms of service and how much you can earn with your courses.

Often times the more students you have the more you can earn.

#4. Start Dental Youtube Channel

Very similar to creating courses on a teaching website is starting your own Youtube channel.

The main difference is you will need to build up the necessary subscriber before you can get your channel monetized.

To get your channel available to earn money you need to have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time.

This can happen faster than you might think.

Starting your Youtube channel can be completely free you don’t need anything fancy to get up and running.

Basically, you can start with just your cell phone and talk about dental topics.

Some YouTubers earn great money even millions of dollars every year.

You can view some of the richest YouTubers here.

how to make money online as a dentist

#5. Create Dental Products To Sell

If you are a creative person you can create branded dental products to sell.

You can sell these products on your website or even on Amazon and tap into their millions of visitors.

This could be a very lucrative way on how to make money online as a dentist.

Find a dental product that is in high demand with low competition and create a product for it.

This could be something only a dentist would know about.

Is there someone you wish you could provide for your patients?

Maybe you can be the one to fill the gap with your very own branded dental product.

You can learn more about how to brand a product here.

Millionaire Dentists You Might Not Know About

Have you ever wondered who the richest dentists are?

Well, wonder no more below is a list of some of the Richest Dentist:

#1. Dr. Herman Ostrow – $35 Million

#2. Dr. Richard Malouf$$$ Get More Details here

#3. Dr. Dan Ficsher – $1.1 Billion

#4. Dr. David Alameel – $900 Million

#5. Dr. Emmet O’Neil – $90 Million

Congratulations to these dentists.

All of them know how to earn well above and beyond the average dentist.


Now you know how to make money online as a dentist.

You could combine many of the five ways described above to maximize your earnings online or just focus on one of them.

Earning money online takes time and there is no way around that.

However, if you are looking for legit ways to increase your earnings these online methods can turn into side hustles that could potentially help you make more money.

It will depend on what you do and if you are consistent because there are no guarantees.

That being said I use many of the methods described and tell you if you are persistent you stand a much better chance of becoming successful online.

My two favorite ways of earning money online are blogging and creating products for people to download because both can be completely passive ways to earn money online.

Thanks for stopping by and reading to the end if you’d like to check out more articles you can find them here.