ways to earn passive income

The Best Ways To Earn Passive Income (With No Money)

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Passive income is my favorite way to earn money. You put in the hard work up front so you can benefit later.

Creating something that will give you income for many years to come is all about hard work, discipline, and patience.

The main reason people fail is that they don’t want to put in the effort or time and want that instant gratification.

I can tell you that it’s worth the wait and effort that you take to create passive income.

Many entrepreneurs are reaping the rewards that are now paying off even more than they expected.

I’m talking thousands of dollars every month on up to hundreds of thousands every month.

The amount of money you earn depends on the product and the service you offer and the value it represents in the market place.

So Read on and learn the best ways to earn passive income …

No Money Ways To Earn Passive Income

Are you low on money, but want to start building sources of income that will pay you later? Here are three ways to get started with no money.

Write Ebooks

There is an initial cost of your time upfront, but once you complete your ebook it can give you passive income for many years.

You can sell the ebook on your website or there are several platforms you can list your products that will take a small cut of your profits. You get to keep 70% of the profits.

Kindle publishing would be one of the most popular ways to do this and will give you tons of customers since they are so well known.

Create A Blog

Blogging has been around for several years, Some people think that it’s an outdated and not effective way to earn money. They couldn’t be more wrong…

In fact, some elite bloggers are making hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.

It takes time to build a following and get content on your website, but once you do you will have an income source that can pay you for many years.

There are two ways to do this. Either buy a website on websites such as Flippa or build one yourself and get it hosted with Bluehost.

Whether you choose to buy or start from scratch with a website of your own this is an excellent way to create passive income.

If you do decide to buy, I’d recommend websites that are at least 24 months old. I count this passive income method as mostly a no money way to build income because the cost is very small and it will take more time than money.

Rent Out Your Unused Space

AirBnB has become a very popular way to earn extra income. You earn money by accomidating guests that want to save money on an expensive hotel.

The amount of money you make will depend on your location, size of the room, and the condition. For example one of my friends made $10K in revenue because he lives near a football stadium.

All the hotels were sold out for the Superbowl and he reaped the rewards for having a home very close to the football stadium.


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Creating passive income is an excellent way to build wealth and it’s always good to have multiple streams of income.

Having money streams coming from several sources is what the wealthy have been doing for years.

You can implement one or all of these passive income strategies today. Which one will you choose? Let us know your thoughts…