where to get educations tools for entrepreneurs

where to get educational tools for entrepreneurs

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If you are an entrepreneurs you are responsible for a lot of different areas of your business. Especially when you are just starting out.

I’ve complied some of the best free educational tools every entreprenuer should be using.

Below are some educational resources that will help you with marketing and entrepreneurship:

My Top 5 Favorite Resources For Learning As An Entreprenuer

Where to get educational tools for entrepreneurs
  1. Podcasts- Are a convenient way to listen to educational information on your computer or through apps on IOS and Android. Bond Street has a list of some recommended podcast that you can check out here.
where to get educational tools for entrepreneurs

2. Youtube- Maybe you prefer visual over audio sources to learning. No problem, there are plenty of free educational videos on youtube that are very well done that can give your business a boost. SelfmadeSuccess has a collection of youtube channels every entrepreneur should be watching.

where to get educational tools for entrepreneurs

3. Edx Currently has over 2500 online courses available that you can take at your own speed. There are still several classes that you can take for FREE.

4. Mox- If you need to learn (SEO) Search Engine Optimization you can take courses from Mox. They offer webinars that are live and recorded.

where to get educational tools for entrepreneurs

5. Course Report-Do you need to learn to code? If so, you can take FREE coding boot camps from coursereport. It will show you the length of the course and how to get started.

where to get educational tools for entrepreneurs

There are so many options available to entrepreneurs and wheather you learn better through vidoes or listening to a podcast there is something for everyone on this list.

Do you have a favorite resource not provided on this list? Please let us know in the comments section below…

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